Psychotherapy for Kendal, Cumbria - with Susanna Wright

qualifications. books


Having qualified as a Jungian analyst in 1997, I have since become a

  • Supervising Analyst of the Society of Analytical Psychology
  • Training Therapist/Supervisor of the British Psychotherapy Foundation (Jungian section)
  • Training Therapist/Supervisor with the Westminster Pastoral Foundation.

    I work online and in person in private practice as a Jungian analyst and supervisor, also teaching and lecturing in the UK and overseas.

    I have an MA in the psychodynamic approach to consultancy for organisations: having gained experience for a number of years as an organisational consultant and manager, I am familiar with the stresses, conflicts and anxieties of work in organisational contexts.

    I am a consultant editor of the Journal of Analytical Psychology, which publishes clinical and theoretical papers relevant to Jungian analysis from the UK, the US, and around the world.
    I am registered with the
  • British Psychoanalytic Council
  • UK Council for Psychotherapy
  • Society of Analytical Psychology
  • British Psychotherapy Foundation
  • British Association of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Supervisors
  • International Association of Analytical Psychology
  • Confederation of Analytical Psychology.

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